12/7/2024 - Free Immigration Forum
With all the uncertainty that many will be facing, The Waymark Church has invited Caroline Stephensn, Immigration Attorney for a 2-hour dialogue to answer questions about your immigration issues. Whether or not you have a burning immigration issue, please join us on Zoom (flyer attached with detailed information) to hear and get your questions answered. This is a free forum so please share with everyone as we all will be affected in some shape or form.
12/8/2024 - Clothing Give-Away
The Community Service, Family Life and Health Ministries Department are teaming up for a Clothing Give-Away. If you know of anyone within the church or community who are in need, please share this information and flyer with them. The give away will consist of clothes, shoes, hats, bags, possibly coats and much more. If you also have new or gently worn clothes you are thinking of donating, please bring them to The Waymark instead. All donations are welcomed. (See Flyer attached)
12/31/2024: Deadline Date - 3-Way Scholarship
Attached are the scholarships that are available for college/university students. Please note that there is a difference in the type of scholarships available:
The Three-Way Scholarship is being funded in part by the Church/Northeastern and is only applicable for students attending Adventist Colleges/Universities.
The Regional Scholarship and the Hispanic Scholarship are Graduate School scholarships. Note: A student does not have to attend an Adventist College/University to apply. Please encourage applicants to download the forms and (follow the instructions on these applications carefully.)
Northeastern Conference Three-way Scholarship Application
Northeastern Conference Three-way Scholarship GUIDE
NAD Graduate Hispanic Scholarship
Regional Scholarship Application Form Fillable Revised 3.8.2021
Ongoing - Migrant Family Initiative
This initiative is still ongoing. You can make donations of the listed items by dropping them off at the church every week. All clothing and food donations will be sent to the Family Welcome Center in Quincy and Allston. Please see the attached flyer for donation ideas.
Curious About Daniel's Diet? Try the: NEC 10-Day Daniel's Diet
The Waymark SDA® Church Health Ministries Department - Walking Group
Ongoing - Sunday Morning Fitness Walk
Still walking, walking, walking. Every Sunday morning weather permitting. Meet at Pope John Paul Park in the parking lot behind Walgreens on Gallivan Blvd. Let's walk in step with the Holy Spirit!
Health Ministries Walking Group Survey
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