What's Happening!

February 15, 2025 - International Day @ The Waymark SDA Church

You are invited to a special International Day where you will have the opportunity to showcase and celebrate your heritage.  This is the time you can celebrate with songs, wear your attire and prepare the wonderful national delectables from your island or country.

If you'd like to be included in the program for the day by sharing a poem, song or whatever your heart's desire, please contact Sister Paulette Price @ 617-288-1964.


Ongoing - Migrant Family Initiative

This initiative is still ongoing.  You can make donations of the listed items by dropping them off at the church every week.  All clothing and food donations will be sent to the Family Welcome Center in Quincy and Allston.  Please see the attached flyer for donation ideas.


Curious About Daniel's Diet? Try the: NEC 10-Day Daniel's Diet


The Waymark SDA® Church Health Ministries Department - Walking Group

Ongoing - Sunday Morning Fitness Walk

Still walking, walking, walking.  Every Sunday morning weather permitting.  Meet at Pope John Paul Park in the parking lot behind Walgreens on Gallivan Blvd. Let's walk in step with the Holy Spirit!

Health Ministries Walking Group Survey  


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